Keys On Wheels
2003 108th ST STE 301
Dallas, TX 75050
Keys On Wheels
When you need a Locksmith in Grand Prairie, Keys On Wheels is here for you. We're committed to providing quality locksmith services at a fair price. We know that even the most responsible people can run into lockouts, so we're committed to getting you back on track as quickly as possible. No matter what situation you find yourself in, we'll do our best to help. Our techs are company employees and have undergone advanced training and criminal background checks that authorize them to work for security companies—like us! We have an extensive collection of keys, locks, and security mechanisms to choose from, so no matter what kind of emergency you might be facing, we can help. And because we believe that we must make sure you don't have to wait long periods for service, we'll do everything possible to get you back on track as fast as possible with little stress involved.
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Interview Q&A
What type of payments do you accept?
We accept: Cash, Check, Debit, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diner's Club, Discover
What are your hours of operation?
We are open from Monday to Sunday, 06:00 - 23:30
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